Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How Europe can save the world

Part 1:
The EU landmark deal on carbon controls must be the model for a new Kyoto agreement. The European Union has struck a deal which is the most vital since it was started 50 years ago which will help persuade Eurosceptic curmudgeons. The EU has made a commitment on dealing with the climate change and energy security. The 27 countries of the EU have devoted themselves to decrease their carbon dioxide emissions by 20% in 2020 from their 1990 levels. Also to increase the use of renewables like air, tidal power, biofuels and water and stop depending on the gas from Russia and the Middle Eastern petrol. The commitment was backed up with some detailed plans which are that after 2010 every power station will have carbon capture and storage technology. But there are problems with renewable power; it is expensive and it has a bad effect on the environment. It is obvious that climate change is a reality and it was made by human beings. On the other hand the UN will convene the key meeting in Indonesia to begin the discussion about what treaty will succeed Kyoto.
Part 2:
This article talks about the efforts of the EU to make their continent cleaner by lowering their carbon emissions and how they can grow their own fuel and how to stop using imported gas and petrol. It also talks about how we have caused harm to ourselves.
Part 3:
I think this article was good because it tells us the some countries are trying to defeat climate changing and other things like global warming. It also let us knows that the UN is trying to help the case by making agreements.
I disagree with the EU because they should raise their target to 30% or 40% because it might help a lot.
I want to learn more about the Kyoto agreement and how they can make it work. I also want to learn about the plan of the EU to struck the global warming.

Monday, April 27, 2009

My carbon footprint

In the past week I measured my footprint in http:/ and it was 4.09 planets which I don’t have because we have only one planet.
Carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gases caused by individuals, organizations and products. The average footprint for the students in the class is 3.67 which is bad because we have one planet and we are 20 students. The highest number in the class was 5.10 which is high and the person who has it needs to work on it to reduce it. In my carbon footprint the thing I dominate in is traveling which has 42% which is nearly half my footprint. Then I got 27% on the stuff I buy which is a big number. I also got 16% at home which is using A/C and other stuff. Finally I got 15% on food which is a good number. I really need to reduce my carbon footprint because it’s high.
People have got to be more careful about how they live their life because we have only got one planet and it’s precious so we have got to work to keep it clean and healthy for our children and grandchildren. We also need some laws to protect the environment so our earth will last longer.

Monday, April 13, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth review

An Inconvenient Truth is a good movie that explains what will happen for us if we stay in this lifestyle. Some people made comments about the movie.
One of the reviews that I liked is this from the writer Mark Dujsik (
Mark says that the global warming is a big problem that will affect us and our planet and according to the scary information that we see there will be big problems in the world in the next 50 years if we still continue our bad lifestyle. People can talk as long as they want about the movie but we have got to be more careful about our future and planet as Mark says.
The other one is from the writer Amy Taubin (
As Amy says it’s a horror movie made by Al Gore which is basically entertainment; she also says that Davis Guggenheim's movie explains an unsure fact by its clear simple presentation that global warming is unarguable information. Also Al Gore refers to himself in the movie as the man who used to be the next president of the United States and he is trying to convince the people that global warming is a big problem that will affect our lives.
I agree with Mark because global warming is a big problem and we should be more careful about it.

Global Warming