Monday, June 1, 2009

Global Warming in UAE

UAE 'in prime position to tackle global warming'
By Kevin Scott, Staff Reporter
Published: March 13, 2008, 00:49

Dubai: A top scientist from Australia believes the UAE is an ideal position to lead the fight against global warming

Professor Ian Jones, Director of the University of Sydney's Ocean Technology Group, has targeted the Gulf region for his project to make the sea bloom with microscopic plants that absorb carbon dioxide.

He told Gulf News the UAE was a perfect base to conduct Ocean Nourishment because of its location and reserves of natural gas. Ocean Nourishment involves tiny plants called phytoplankton that live in the sea for fish to feed on.

"We have developed the technology for deploying the nutrient. We have ensured it [the nutrient] will initially be at a low concentration and therefore safe for the environment. We have also filed a patent for a device that measures carbons.



"The principle of the project remains the same but there have been a lot of developments over the last year. We hope to carry out a pilot trial sometime in the next few months," he said.

Standard of living

The theory has received a lot of interest from around the world. However, some people remain concerned that "turning the sea green" will result in disruption of the natural ecosystem and lead to algae bloom.

But Professor Jones moved to reassure the sceptics, saying the project will actually improve people's standard of living, as well as combat climate change.

"We are looking at feeding the phytoplankton off the coast of Oman. But the release points will not be in coastal waters near the shore. They will be in deeper water. Satellites will also monitor the situation on a daily basis.

"There are a lot of nutrients in the Indian Ocean and if we do this cleverly more fish will be available to subsistence fishermen. In turn, their standard of living will be greatly improved," he said.

Abu Dhabi Interlink, a business management consultancy in the capital, and the Sydney-based Trellini Group are working together to help make Professor Jones' plan a reality.

Sid Khamis, Chief Executive Officer of Trellini, said: "We organise funding for development programmes around the world specifically related to marine sites. That's how we first came into contact with Professor Jones and collectively we came to the region looking to establish a base here in the UAE."

Ray Hariz, Chief Executive Officer of Abu Dhabi Interlink, added: "We invited Professor Jones to meet with government and private organisations here in Abu Dhabi. We have been discussing opportunities and collaborations in the Gulf area."

Professor Jones, who recently presented his concept to 15,000 scientists at the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, said the reason his theory had not surfaced earlier was because carbon credits did not exist until recently.

"It's a very simple idea, if you want more camels to thrive in the desert, you give them more grass. Similarly fish need more carbon to survive."

There are a lot of nutrients in the Indian Ocean and if we do this cleverly more fish will be ava-ilable to subsistence fishermen."

Professor Ian Jones, Director of the University of Sydney's Ocean Technology Group


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Global Warming

In the past year people talked a lot about the global warming and how it will affect our lives. Global warming is the change of the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere due to the increase of greenhouse gases resulting especially from pollution. If this problem doesn't decrease in the next years we will live in an unhealthy environment.
There are a lot problems we are facing at this time. The first one is that people don’t know about the global warming so we should teach them and tell them how they can deal with it. We also need to tell them how to stop so we can live properly. Then we come to greenhouse gases which is “the process by which absorption and emission of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases warm a planet's lower atmosphere and surface” (Wikipedia). The green house gases are trapped in our atmosphere so if they can’t get out our planet becomes hotter every year. Then we have the melting ice which will cause floods if we didn’t stop the global warming effects on our environment. As Al Gore says “the ice bergs are melting” (An Inconvenient Truth). If we didn’t stop the ice bergs and the North and South Pole from melting we could suffer a lot of floods and the death of hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. The “sea level has been rising at an average rate of 1.7 mm/year (plus or minus 0.5mm) over the past 100 years” (
On the other hand there are some solutions that we can do to help stop global warming. The first one is we could switch to green power because it’s cleaner and safer “The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that for every kilowatt-hour of green power produced, one less pound of CO2 is emitted” (green house Then we stop driving our old fuel cars and start using the biofuel cars so we can help stop global warming. We need to put some laws to stop global warming.
In conclusion we should protect our planet because we only have one. We really should defeat global warming so we can protect our children.

- An Inconvenient Truth.Dir. Davis Guggenheim. Perf. Al Gore. DVD. Paramount Classics, 2006.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cool cities

All over the world people are trying to solve the global warming problem. We are trying to solve this problem by a lot of things like using clean energy and hybrid cars. We need to make a stand to decrease the levels of CO2 in the air so we can live a better life.
One of the most creative ideas is the project that is done in Japan, which contains 11 companies named SDJC. This company is trying to build a city that depends on clean power, hybrid cars and green buildings. It tries to reduce the carbon emissions by building this city. There are three main zones in this city which are business, cultural and residential. It uses a lot of stuff to reduce heating like tree planting, rooftop membranes and water ways; the percentage of emissions that the eco-towers will reduce is 50% and from the residential towers is 30%.

However there some problems with the city. The fist one is that as they say it might be a bit expensive so how can regular people who want to protect the environment afford it. Another thing is how can we apply it here in the UAE and what the reaction of the people will be so they should work harder to build these kind of cities all over the world.

The video is so realistic and I think shows us the solution of how we can beat the global warming. I think this city is a very good idea because we really need it at this time. It also shows how they can generate power and they can beat the carbon emissions.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How Europe can save the world

Part 1:
The EU landmark deal on carbon controls must be the model for a new Kyoto agreement. The European Union has struck a deal which is the most vital since it was started 50 years ago which will help persuade Eurosceptic curmudgeons. The EU has made a commitment on dealing with the climate change and energy security. The 27 countries of the EU have devoted themselves to decrease their carbon dioxide emissions by 20% in 2020 from their 1990 levels. Also to increase the use of renewables like air, tidal power, biofuels and water and stop depending on the gas from Russia and the Middle Eastern petrol. The commitment was backed up with some detailed plans which are that after 2010 every power station will have carbon capture and storage technology. But there are problems with renewable power; it is expensive and it has a bad effect on the environment. It is obvious that climate change is a reality and it was made by human beings. On the other hand the UN will convene the key meeting in Indonesia to begin the discussion about what treaty will succeed Kyoto.
Part 2:
This article talks about the efforts of the EU to make their continent cleaner by lowering their carbon emissions and how they can grow their own fuel and how to stop using imported gas and petrol. It also talks about how we have caused harm to ourselves.
Part 3:
I think this article was good because it tells us the some countries are trying to defeat climate changing and other things like global warming. It also let us knows that the UN is trying to help the case by making agreements.
I disagree with the EU because they should raise their target to 30% or 40% because it might help a lot.
I want to learn more about the Kyoto agreement and how they can make it work. I also want to learn about the plan of the EU to struck the global warming.

Monday, April 27, 2009

My carbon footprint

In the past week I measured my footprint in http:/ and it was 4.09 planets which I don’t have because we have only one planet.
Carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gases caused by individuals, organizations and products. The average footprint for the students in the class is 3.67 which is bad because we have one planet and we are 20 students. The highest number in the class was 5.10 which is high and the person who has it needs to work on it to reduce it. In my carbon footprint the thing I dominate in is traveling which has 42% which is nearly half my footprint. Then I got 27% on the stuff I buy which is a big number. I also got 16% at home which is using A/C and other stuff. Finally I got 15% on food which is a good number. I really need to reduce my carbon footprint because it’s high.
People have got to be more careful about how they live their life because we have only got one planet and it’s precious so we have got to work to keep it clean and healthy for our children and grandchildren. We also need some laws to protect the environment so our earth will last longer.

Monday, April 13, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth review

An Inconvenient Truth is a good movie that explains what will happen for us if we stay in this lifestyle. Some people made comments about the movie.
One of the reviews that I liked is this from the writer Mark Dujsik (
Mark says that the global warming is a big problem that will affect us and our planet and according to the scary information that we see there will be big problems in the world in the next 50 years if we still continue our bad lifestyle. People can talk as long as they want about the movie but we have got to be more careful about our future and planet as Mark says.
The other one is from the writer Amy Taubin (
As Amy says it’s a horror movie made by Al Gore which is basically entertainment; she also says that Davis Guggenheim's movie explains an unsure fact by its clear simple presentation that global warming is unarguable information. Also Al Gore refers to himself in the movie as the man who used to be the next president of the United States and he is trying to convince the people that global warming is a big problem that will affect our lives.
I agree with Mark because global warming is a big problem and we should be more careful about it.

Global Warming

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth

It’s a documentary movie that talks about the global warming made by a man called Al Gore. He divides this movie into two parts which are global warming and talking about his past. He is the former ex president of the USA. He talks about a lot of things in the movie and one of them is how 40 percent of the people get the water which is from the mountains which is the melting ice that comes down. The growing number of people of the earth need food and water are they also need electricity and massive amounts of CO2 will be produced.

This film is great; we learned a lot from it and it gives us a lot of solutions to help ourselves. One of the reasons that make it a good movie is that it tells us how to reduce emissions and it also gives us ideas about how our future will be.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Global Warming Task2

Global warming is one of the most horrifying problems in the planet. People are trying to avoid using cars and other things to make the planet cooler again. Global warming means an increase in the climate on the earth. It started in the mid-twentieth century. During the last 25 years the climate of the planet increased substantially. One of the most common words when you ask someone about the global warming is the green house effect which means that the heat which is coming inside the planet is not going out and that makes the planet hotter. Global warming causes a lot of problems like the water levels going up because of the melting ice.
Another problem is the fuel; we burn a lot of fuel and we don’t care about the climate so that causes the death of our planet. We have got to be more careful about our planet because we don’t have another.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Blog Project Task 1

My name is Amer Abdelwahed Al Marzouqi. I am 19 years old and I will be 20 soon. I am a second year student in HCT and I study business. I study business because my whole family is in business. I live in Abu Dhabi in the city called Al Rahba. However I was born in Sharjah because the hospitals at that time were in Sharjah. My family used to live in Dubai for the past 30 years but suddenly my father changed the destination to Abu Dhabi because we got a house in Al Rahba city. I still have a lot of friends in Dubai and I go to there every weekend and I also go to visit my grandmother and grandfather in Dubai. Sometimes when I’m sitting at home in Abu Dhabi I go to Al Shahama which is a city near Al Rahba, I go to meet a friend.

In this blog project, Hedley is encouraging us to think critically and analytically about the issues of climate change and global warming.Global warming is considered one of the worst problems that humanity is trying to survive from. It's making the earth a lot hotter than it used to be.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Welcome to my blog